Friday, December 30, 2005

I'm Tony Soprano and I'm enraged about something. I rampage through a large house throwing things around and smashing furniture. I go through the kitchen where Edie Falco (but not as Carmela) is cooking. I throw a few things around but she doesn't seem to notice. I storm outside into the large backyard where some people are lounging. I kick a few things around and hear someone complain that there are children around. I storm over to Janice and yell at her, she flinches at my approach. I shout, "You're always a bitch Janice but today I'm the fucking bastard. I'm sorry!" and storm off.


I'm in a cop show produced/directed by Steven Soderbergh. The intro shows a ghostly cop car pulling up in front of a store on a dark and snowy evening. A perp stumbles out of a car trying to get away and I pelt him w/ chnks of hard snow. The perp is played by Dave Chappelle and stumbles around until he finally falls over in the snow.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm near the top of a snowy summit w/ a group of men. We're getting into a 1950s jalopie owned by a skinny older gentleman from some other country. A young Spike Jonze-esque yokle says, "Take us back to (some small town), Texas). The sherpa at the wheel says, "We live near there so it'll be on our way." He puts the car in reverse and we start speeding backwards down the mountain path. I'm at once amused and frightened. A young black woman has taken a leap off the summit and we are following her as she glides through the air. We wonder out loud when she will land and if she has enough momentum to get all the way to the bottom.

She eventually comes to a stop near the bottom of the hill, making a couple of hops and almost falling down. We stop behind her & offer her a ride.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I've been told that the store has been written up in the new Time Out. I pick up a copy of the magazine and take it to a gallery opening. As I flip through it (the Asian Issue), I find lots of little write-ups, some of them in 4 languages (English, Chinese, Japanese & Korean). I also see a few pictorials w/ the female co-owner of Video Free Brooklyn (a petite Asian girl). I get irritated at not finding our write-up.

At the gallery opening, I wait for a few of the performance pieces to begin. While waiting, I'm told that we're honoring a few WWII vets. I'm asked to take the name of one vet to a game that's going on in another part of the building. As I drop off the name at one of the games, the people at the game insist that I play w/ them. The board game is a little confusing and I try to follow along. I tell them that the vet should be playing & not me. The vet suddenly appears behind me (which surprises me since he is old and moves slowly) and I sit him down and try to tell him how to play the game. As I prepare to leave, he asks me in broken English for Carlos (a friend/assistant). I try to find him in the room.


I'm in a convention center watching people play no-limit chess. A young man has just eliminated another in heads-up play and the loser stands up to shake his hand. The winner is too busy counting chips to notice. The chips are all really cool designs.

At another full table, a woman has bet chips, another woman called, and a young boy of 8 or 10 reraises all-in (which elicits coos and "aw"s from bystanders). Another woman reraises all-in (out of turn) and the other 2 fold and take their chips back (which is apparently how no-limit chess is played). I comment to on one in particular that this game looks pretty cool except for the chess part.

Mike Sexton is there and I comment that this would be a great venue to host next year's WSOP. He thinks it'll be too small. I say we should at least hold the next World Poker Conference here. He hands everyone a couple of leaflets which I assume are announcements about games or something. They turn out to be a map of midtown Manhattan with diamond & jewelry stores marked on it. I ask Mike why he gave us this crap. I wander out to look for a cash poker game.

Friday, December 16, 2005

I'm making an order in person at Entertainment Outlet. As I finish my order, Lenny & Adam tell me that they now have an order miinimum and that I have not met it. They also tell me about several price increases that make my cost outrageous. Susannah and I are furious and tell them that this is ridiculous, especially after we've been their customers for over 3 years.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I'm in the back yard of a house talking to a middle aged guy. He's telling me about how Lexington's getting over-developed in recent years. I go inside and find Lucy cooking breakfast. I go up and hug her (she's my wife/girlfriend) and she hugs me back.


I'm watching a comic book/cartoon about an astronaut/spaceman who's entering earth's atmoshere in a space suit. As he descends, his suit is eaten apart by insects. He lands on the belly of a floating fish and is grateful to be alive. The fish turns out to be a resting shark and nearly eats him. He slips away and ends up on a glacier.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm in my bedroom with Claire Light & a few other people. She's holding Sofia and talking to us about leaving. Sofia begins slipping out of her arms and I barely catch her before she falls the floor. Claire looks completely stoned, beads of sweat dripping down her pale face. I get mad and yell for someone to get her out of here.


It's mid afternoon and I'm in a mall looking for some food. I'm not too hungry so I decide to get a hot dog w/ peppers & onions. I order the dog and two cups of coffee to go. I get the dog right away but the coffees take a long time. Once I get them, the cashier asks if I want milk or sugar. I tell her I want five packets of each. She tells me that she only has one milk packet. I tell her I'll just add the milk here. Up at the counter, I start stirring in packets of sugar. For some reason my coffee is now in a large metal container. As I mix the coffee, it all but evaporates. I get really irritated and ask to see a manager. No one can quite point me to the right person. Finally, someone points me to another place in the food court. I head to that counter and look over several older women behind the counter but can't figure out which one is the manager. Susannah tells me to relax and not make a big deal out of it. I wander to another counter and ask a young black man to find me a manager. He's tiny and crawls up on his chair and tells me that he's independent. I get irritated and wander into a department store.