Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm near the top of a snowy summit w/ a group of men. We're getting into a 1950s jalopie owned by a skinny older gentleman from some other country. A young Spike Jonze-esque yokle says, "Take us back to (some small town), Texas). The sherpa at the wheel says, "We live near there so it'll be on our way." He puts the car in reverse and we start speeding backwards down the mountain path. I'm at once amused and frightened. A young black woman has taken a leap off the summit and we are following her as she glides through the air. We wonder out loud when she will land and if she has enough momentum to get all the way to the bottom.

She eventually comes to a stop near the bottom of the hill, making a couple of hops and almost falling down. We stop behind her & offer her a ride.


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