Sunday, December 18, 2005

I've been told that the store has been written up in the new Time Out. I pick up a copy of the magazine and take it to a gallery opening. As I flip through it (the Asian Issue), I find lots of little write-ups, some of them in 4 languages (English, Chinese, Japanese & Korean). I also see a few pictorials w/ the female co-owner of Video Free Brooklyn (a petite Asian girl). I get irritated at not finding our write-up.

At the gallery opening, I wait for a few of the performance pieces to begin. While waiting, I'm told that we're honoring a few WWII vets. I'm asked to take the name of one vet to a game that's going on in another part of the building. As I drop off the name at one of the games, the people at the game insist that I play w/ them. The board game is a little confusing and I try to follow along. I tell them that the vet should be playing & not me. The vet suddenly appears behind me (which surprises me since he is old and moves slowly) and I sit him down and try to tell him how to play the game. As I prepare to leave, he asks me in broken English for Carlos (a friend/assistant). I try to find him in the room.


I'm in a convention center watching people play no-limit chess. A young man has just eliminated another in heads-up play and the loser stands up to shake his hand. The winner is too busy counting chips to notice. The chips are all really cool designs.

At another full table, a woman has bet chips, another woman called, and a young boy of 8 or 10 reraises all-in (which elicits coos and "aw"s from bystanders). Another woman reraises all-in (out of turn) and the other 2 fold and take their chips back (which is apparently how no-limit chess is played). I comment to on one in particular that this game looks pretty cool except for the chess part.

Mike Sexton is there and I comment that this would be a great venue to host next year's WSOP. He thinks it'll be too small. I say we should at least hold the next World Poker Conference here. He hands everyone a couple of leaflets which I assume are announcements about games or something. They turn out to be a map of midtown Manhattan with diamond & jewelry stores marked on it. I ask Mike why he gave us this crap. I wander out to look for a cash poker game.


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