Saturday, September 18th, 2004
Susannah and I are staying in a hotel/bed & breakfast. It’s storming outside and we’re going a little stir crazy. We decide to go next door to Dizzy’s to get some breakfast.
We stand in line trying to decide what to get. Susannah thinks about getting an egg sandwich on a bagel w/ no cheese. Two women behind us ask us if we’ve decided and we let them go ahead of us. I tell Susannah to get her sandwich and I would go back to the hotel and make myself something to eat.
Back at the hotel, I wander through our stark, white suite. In the main living area there are lots of pamphlets and brochures strewn about. I suspect that the staff was using this as a work area and never cleaned it up.
I walk over to a window and look out into the rain. I hear John Garcia’s voice as he’s talking to some guy. I look down to the street and don’t see him. I realize I’m picking up his conversation through a cell phone on the window ledge. I pick up the cell phone to listen in. It sounds like one of them is on an airplane. I wait for a pause in the conversation to speak and say, “John, is that you?” The conversation breaks up and I hear nothing.
Later, I go to Entertainment Outlet to see Lenny. He seems to be the only one there, doing some stock work. I wander around the store a bit, then return to talk to him. I tell him I’m bored and want to buy something. I ask him if he ever comes across any used Playstation 2’s. He says yes and points out several to me (none of which look like Playstations). He tells me they’re priced between $300 and $350. I think for a second and then tell him that new ones only cost $150-$200.