Friday, September 24, 2004

Friday, September 24th, 2004

I’m in a military unit guarding some prisoners. I walk around a corner and see that some of my fellow soldiers (who I don’t like) are degrading the prisoners by making them dance. I yell for my commander, a female officer. I point out the misconduct of the soldiers. She asks me what penalties should be dealt out. I tell her it’s up to her discretion. She asks me what I would do, either temporary suspension or dismissal. One of the misbehaving soldiers laughs and jokes about needing a vacation. I tell her that I would suspend a few of the soldiers and dismiss the officer in charge as an example. The commander agrees and sends the soldiers on their way.

The other soldiers in my unit are impressed with my speaking out. I tell them I’m a little tired of all the nepotism and family connections in this unit (the officer I recommended dismissing has high ranking connections). I tell them that my grandmother was a leutinent in the Chinese Air Force in WWII (which is untrue but I am playing a role).


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