I had one of the most intense and sad dreams I've ever had. I just woke up, my chest feeling constricted and tears in my eyes.
It started out with me getting off work and meeting friends/old classmates for dinner. For some reason it was really early in the morning and we were looking for a sushi restaurant. I remember going to an ATM (except it looked like a vending machine) and seeing Nancy Hom. We finally decided on some place and ate there.
Later I wanted to take a picture of everyone. As I composed the shot and tried to get everyone in the shot, people started wandering away, so instead I took several different shots of different groups of people. It felt like the last day of summer camp.
I was then coming home with a few friends/roommates to my high rise apartment. We went up one flight of stairs, then waited for the elevator. When the elevator finally opened, there was a man who was beheaded lying in a pool of blood. A few cops were examing him. My friends and aI were repulsed and scared for our lives. We wandered around the building with the other residents, talking. I talked with someone about moving out of the building, maybe out of the city.
I was in the lobby holding a wooden sword, then decided it probbly wasn't a good idea to be waving that around. Then someone implied that I was a suspect. I went directly to the source of that rumor, someone that seemed like a cop or the building manager. They said the suspect had long hair in a ponytail and streaks in his hair. I began by saying how I was always a target. I also gave my alibi, saying that there were people that could vouche for my whereabouts for the entire day. I then noticed that police had opened part of the ceiling of the room and found lots of punk rock paraphenalia. I immediately began defending the stuff, saying we shouldn't be so quick to judge, that being punk didn't mean you were a killer. I also thought, "I don't like punk, don't they know that?" but didn't say anything.
Later, we were watching an aquarium-like projection on the screen. It was supposed to represent statistics on murders and their proximity to workplaces. Images of giant ants floated down into the water, followed by giant grasshoppers and seaweed.
Later, a group of us were stuck in a large building and we had to fight our way out. There were creatures that could easily kill us and I saw classmates and friends being cut down. I ran to the door, mostly watching others struggle to escape. When I approached the exit, I saw te dead bodies of Marilyn Monroe, Hitler, Stalin and other historical figures. I watched as my best friend (could tell who) fought a historical figure, but ended up being impaled by an electric sword (like a chainsaw). He didn't die, but instead sat down, injured. I helped him to his feet and walked him through the exit. I told me I'd give it a try, see if he'd survive the transition. As we walked out, I saw Cody and someone else who'd been inside and had escaped. He waved. I was ecstatic. I asked if he could see my friend. He said no, and that there were many others like that, friends only he could see. Ghosts. I was heart-broken. My friend then said to me something about there being a special connection between 2 people. He then said goodbye, or see you later, to give it less finality.
I then flipped through a classmates pictures. Holding them at different angles, I could see other people, ghosts. Another friend (or ghost) waited beside me, wanting to see the pictures. I was overwhelmed with sadness.
I can already see the various sources of this dream , but still wonder how I came to dream something so sad.