I'm holding a man for murder in the lobby of a building. He's standing outside a door and I'm watching him (though he's not dangerous). Various coworkers of his peek out from the kitchen door and I shoo them away. He wants to make a call and scrawls a number on a piece of paper. I tell him to use the landline instead of my cell. I go into the kitchen/other room and get him a cordless phone. It's large & unwieldy and I think it's a walky-talky. I tell him I'll need to listen in on the call.
From a room down the hall I hear Sofia crying. I ignore it since she's supposed to be in bed. I glance down the hall and see Susannah in an office shutting down the computer. She has her coat on for reason.
I go into a glass-encased foyer and look for the police. I check my phone and see that it's been almost an hour since I called them. Finally, a police cruiser pulls into the parking lot. I hurry back to the lobby to check on the murderer. I thought others were watching him but he's all alone. I stand near him and wait for the police to enter.