Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'm in a small-town diner/ butcher shop confronting an older woman who's kidnapped one of my friends. She's very haunty & watching my every move. I try to call the police but get no signal. I scroll through my rencet calls to try to find the number for my local police precinct (I suspect the police here are probably under her thrall). I mention one of my other friends and the woman says, "He doesn't have the stomach to help you." I have a vision of my friend being flayed open and his stomach removed. The woman brings out a big bin of pig stomaches and continues to taunt me. I pick up a large knife and charge her, stabbing her repeatedly in the gut. It doesn't seem to faze her so I take off running, throwing boxes & a large bag of onions in her path.

Outside, I run into a large crop field where lots of people are harvesting. It's nighttime and spotlights illuminate the field. A few people notice me as I run into the field, not knowing where to go. Now I'm watching the action from a distance and "I" have become Ando from Heroes. A few farmhands are approaching him and he's oblivious (listening to his iPod).


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