Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm in a police precinct talking to Sgt. Carver (though he's white & looks like Herc). We're discussing a recent murder and talking about suspects. I suggest we bring in Pooh for questioning. "This guy gets out of jail and next week we have a body? He definitely had something to do with it." I try to explain it to Carver, "Imagine you come back from suspension, a good police and I put you on a big case right away. Makes sense, right?"

Later, I have Bodie, another dealer and some kid on a waiting bench. I wake them up and the white kid has trouble untangling himself from the others. I grab him and ask the room, "Whose kid is this?!" A cop (or civilian) on another bench says the kid's his. I reunite them and admonish the father for letting his son sit with suspects. We haul the dealers into an interrogation room. Bodie sits facing away from us and I start asking them where Pooh is. They don't answer.

Later, I'm down in the basement where lots of cops are busy with files. Lester Freamon is there along with someone I think is Stringer Bell (actually Mr. Ecko from Lost). He's speaking an African dialect with another clerk.


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