Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'm on a bus in a European city that reminds me of China. I'm a little lost & ask the bus driver how I get back to where I came from. He tells me to get off & take the bus in the opposite direction, then transfer to another bus. I get off & start walking. Along the way, I walk by a food vendor & I buy a few potstickers from him. I don't have any Yuan on me so I go back to my bags to find dollars. I'm sitting on a steep metal staircase on the edge of a mountain. An old couple are trying to secure themselves to the top of the staircase so they don't fall. We talk about how dangerous it is up here.

Later, I'm walking with an older Chinese man. He tells me he's here in Japan on business. We walk to a store where there are large sheets of fabric hanging outside. He tells me he's here to oversee their design. He leaves me & goes inside. I pull out $32 and try to figure out the exchange rate. I put back $2 and give the rest to the old man to pay him for the dumplings.

I keep walking and realize that Baltimore is a pretty big city & that it's all urban. I'm not sure if I'm getting any closer to getting back to the walkfront.


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