Saturday, August 02, 2003

Sunday, June 29th, 2003

I'm working at the store with Susannah when two black men come in. The shorter guy is wearing an orange knit cap. The larger guy is wearing a ski mask and has a glock in a shoulder holster. He looks at me and pats his gun. I'm overwhelmed with nervousness and fear. I consider opening the safe but pop the drawer instead. I start handing them cash, mostly stacks of ones. I'm frustrated that we have so much cash in the drawer. As I hand them money, I notice lots of pennies in the bill slots.

A customer comes up to the register, oblivious to the robbery, and wants to check out. I ignore him and finish giving the robbers the money. They finally leave and I grab the phone and follow them out.

Outside, I see them walking casually through crowds of people. I have truoble dialin 911 but finally get through. I tell them we've just been robbed but I get disconnected before I can give descriptions of the men. I lose the men in the crowds but keep trying to reconnect with the police.

I walk back to the store as it's getting dark. I pass a small white car pulling into an apartment complex parking lot. I see my dad & Vanessa inside the car. I consider telling my dad about the robbery but continue back to the store instead. As I walk, I'm still trying to redial the police but keep punching in the wrong numbers. My dad calls me on the phone, wanting to talk about something. I tell him I have to call him back later.


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