Thursday, June 19, 2003

Monday, December 9th, 2002

I'm in a large open area watching a red military helicopter make strafing runs. It flies backwards while unleashing a salvo of rockets. Finally, it gets shot down and crash lands. The crew hurry out before it explodes. There are other military vehicles nearby, all painted either red or blue. Someone asks me what's going on. I tell them, "It's a military exercise, they're practicing for WWIII - urban combat scenarios. Our tax dollars at work."

The other person becomes Susannah and we head out of the area together. As we walk, our way is blocked by a destroyed vehicle. We go up an embankment and have to manuever a bit to get around it. Eventually, we go down some stairs and enter an elementary school. Since we're not students, we feel like we can't go through the courtyard. We go up and around and enter a room with lots of kids' drawings on the wall. Susannah asks me if any of them are mine. I tell her I never went to this school. We eventually end up in the same courtyard again.


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