Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm staying at someone's apartment (in NYC?) when a young gay man & an older straight woman (two of Tim's theater buddies?) come over unannounced. They take over the large queen-sized sleeper couch & I'm forced to spend time elsewhere. I'm very stressed out about something as I wait for the apartment's true tenants to return. I hear someone at the door and I rush to meet them. The tenant ( a yong man) and his friend come in and I pull them aside to tell them that something bad has happened. "You remember what almost happened a while ago? Well, he finally did it." (One of his roommates once apparently almost killed his girlfriend). "And what's worse, two of your friends are sleeping in the bed right on top of her body!" I tell the tenant that he has to distract the two people while his friend helps me move the body. His friend looks unwilling but I strongarm him into it. I hear the two from the couch get up and I rush back into the room. The couch/bed is pristine & made and there's no body in sight. I pull it out from the wall and see only clothes on the floor. I suddenly realize it's late and look at my watch. It's 7:19pm and my flight is at 9:30. I begin to panic since I haven't even packed. It's the last day of my sublet and I can't stay any longer.


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