Monday, April 02, 2007

I'm leaving a hotel with Susannah & Sofia. I need to get to work and we need to get Sofia to school. We're running late and we debate about who's taking her to school (I can walk to work but her school is a few subway rides away). We starting walking quickly down the street, a little irritated at each other. Susannah crosses the street and ducks into a Chinese mall. I yell, "Wait!" but she disappears. I keep walking on the street, heading towards the back entrance of the mall. I'm worried she'll get lost inside as there are many ways to get out. I walk through a bustling Chinatown market and overhear some old Chinese men discuss meat. One man says the meat is fresh and even alive. I look down to see miniature hippos in boxes being sold for food.

I make it through the market and wait on a corner for Susannah. I see her coming down the street with the stroller over her shoulder. We strap Sofia in and we're about to split up. Susannah tries to get oriented, asking where Babbo is (she's thinking about not taking Sofia to school and going straight to dinner).


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