Sunday, August 24, 2003

Sunday, August 24th, 2003

I’m holed up in an apartment on a high floor with someone else. There are lots of female assassins outside about to make their way in. We’re trying to lock all the doors and load our guns.


I’m in a bedroom with a young Indian woman and two young guys. We’re talking about all the women AJ has dated. The Indian woman and the tall guy are going through all the names and talking about which ones they liked and didn’t like. The woman asks me to close the door. I say, “Oh, do we want to get into it?” I’m assuming we’re going to bitch about AJ. I close the door and come back. The woman quickly sucks something off her toe as she talks. I say to the tall guy (who’s a friend of AJ), “Well, maybe he confides in you, he certainly doesn’t with me.”


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