Thursday, August 21, 2003

Thursday, August 21st, 2003

I’m living in a house with AJ, Tom & Lynnette and Emmanuel Lewis. We’re trying to figure out who’s going to move out first.


I’m at a farmhouse where we’re all getting ready for a wedding or big dinner. My mom is there but too busy to talk to me. Tamara is there and she’s helping with some of the crops or yard work. I’m intrigued by her interest in farming.


I’m in a high school/prison trying to keep things calm. I’m sort of a prisoner and sort of a guard. I try several times to break up fights. I ask myself why I’m getting into harm’s way but feel it’s my duty to help.

Everyone is gathered together for some prisoners to give testimony. One prisoner approaches the warden (my dad?) and points to the warden’s written agenda and says he won’t testify on this and that. I ask him why. He says he was given immunity. I ask him, “For what? For stopping a fight?” He nods. “Well, if we gave immunity in exchange for not fighting, everyone in here would have immunity.” I say loudly so everyone can hear. “We don’t want this motherfucker’s testimony, do we?” The warden agrees and we push the prisoner aside. He’s a bit crestfallen.


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