Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Tuesday, February 4th, 2003

I'm in an apartment in a secluded part of town. Nate Chinen (from AOL) and I have moved our office into this tiny little room. It's cluttered with our stuff (a bed and lots of boxes). There's also a woman there who is temporarily stationed here for work. Chi-Hee (from NBCi) and another girl is there. They're both after Nate but he has no interest in them. He says to the woman from the other company (who doesn't speak much English) "I'm going to bring you dinner tomorrow night." Chi-Hee and the other girl get annoyed and leave.

Later that day, I'm talking to the other woman about Nate and Chi-Hee and the whole situation. I also have a crush on this woman but don't make it known to her. Throughout the conversation I refer to Nate as Oliver.


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