Friday, April 04, 2008

I'm running late for something when I stop into a Korean restaurant for a quick bite. the place is mostly empty but the tables haven't been cleared. I wander to the back to find a waitress. One appears and asks me in Chinese if I 'd like to eat with someone who's already here. She leads me into a private room where an older Asian businessman is eating. One of the dishes on the table is a giant panda (fur and all) on a plate. Another man is standing at the table wolfing down a rice dish.

I meet up with my mom and Sofia and we try to find a place to eat. A young guy (Dwayne from Entertainment Outlet) is driving us around. An aggressive driver cuts us off and Dwayne keeps tailgating him. I tell Dwayne to back off and he seems annoyed. I say, "I wish I could drive like I play poker, use aggression to get people out of my way." We continue our way across town towards the babysitter's.


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