Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm Dubya speaking in front of a small group when I break down in tears and begin blubbering about lying to the American people. I sob and recount all the lies I've told. I lower my head and recite the names of the soldiers killed in Iraq, "Sgt Johnson, David; killed by a grenade in Fallujah..." I tell everyone that I can suggest a successor but congress doesn't have to vote for him/her. I officially announce my resignation and walk out of the room.

headlines start spinning not about the resignation but about Subya's relationship with Gorbachev. The newspaper/TV blares: "If you think married life is hard, wait til you see life with kids." and shows a teenager running around with girls and being followed by the press.


I'm in a Chinatown supermarket looking for groceries. I notice lots of customers taking meat into a huge open smoker. A sign instructs customers to hang raw marinated ribs up to smoke for 10-12 minutes. A man stands inside the smoker tending to it. I also see some deer hides tanning/drying on tables.

I wander out into a food court/picnic area and see white tourists waiting for food. It's raining outside and I try to stay dry.


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