Friday, March 14, 2008

I'm in a literature class being taught by Troland/Ligert (looks like Sam Waterston or Frank Langella) when Lili Taylor peeks in the window. She pulls herself in and admits to being the professor's daughter. She sits across from me and we exchange a few looks. The professor gives me a hard time about not having any notebook paper and asks me about a book I haven't read. He asks me condescendingly what kind of hormones are coursing through my veins and I tell him none. He thinks I'm 21 and I thank him for thinking so and the class laughs. He asks his daughter to assess me and she tries to (though we have a romantic history).

Later, I go to an Indian guy's house to ask him some questions. He doesn't let me in but leads me to his extension in the back. We walk through a den that's in the midst of renovation. He shows me his room full of telescopes leads me into the very back room that has floor-to-ceiling windows. The view is spectacular and calming and I comment, "You must come out here alot." The view changes to that of a lot of people swimming and playing on a cruise ship. He tells me his place is on the back of a cruise ship and another docks onto his.


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