Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I'm in my big loft apartment when a van full of young mobsters pull up. They barge in the door, looking for the guy who lives next door. He owes them money and they've been collecting regularly. One of the mobsters pulls me aside and tells me not to worry. They begin movie a large table into the living room and clear everything off it. I start to protest but the lead mobster tells me to relax. I suspect they're waiting for him to come home and will kill him in my house. I step outside to watch them park their van and I collapse on the sidewalk for a moment, feeling guilty to be a apart of this.

As they continue to set up, I grab my wife & kid (who are non-distinct) and another couple & their kid and start heading upstairs. As we're heading up, Tim, Joy & Logan show up and I usher them quickly to the elevator with us. Joy wants to tell me something in confidence but I tell her there's no time. We get to the elevator and Joy step on. The others wait outside to give us privacy but I insisten that everyone else get on right away. Joy huddles close and asks me what I think of the idea of having Nancy Grace do a show on post-partum depression. I tell her it's probably already been done. I breathless tell the group that I'm associated with a certain mobster (everyone knows it's Tony Soprano) and that his associates are going to be "taking care of" someone in my apartment. As I'm talking, the elevator arrives at the 2nd floor and begins to open. I gesture towards the buttons and one of us hits the "door close" button so I can continue. I tell everyone we have to spend the day upstairs until it all blows over.


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