Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm a prisoner of war being marched along with my comrades to some unknown destination. As we walk, I try to figure out how we can escape. We prisoners outnumber our captors by 20 to 1 but they have guns. As we stop & rest, I whisper to my comrades about their patrol patterns & discuss our options to overtake them.

Later, we're in a large suite in a cruise ship. We're resting as our captor tries to relay her situation to her headquarters. Her internet connection is bad due to the weather and I mock her for it. I walk to the window and see the blizzard outside. As I pace around, someone in the group suggests we alll do bible study. Someone in the room who knows me gives me a look and says, "Uh-oh." I speak up, "Doesn't my freedom of speech mean that not only do I not have to participate, but also that I don't have to be forced to leave this room? It's not like I walked into a church and tried to stop people from worshipping. I didn't choose to be here, we're all stuck in this room. I shouldn't be forced to go to the bathroom, or the lobby, or the casino. Yeah, the casino, that's ironic. Listen, you guys vote your conscience on it, if you decide to go ahead, I'll abide and wait elsewhere. I'll give you guys a few minutes."

I go to the bathroom to pee and try to figure how many votes I'll get. I figure on at least Susannah. I hear my mom coming into the room, speaking a mix of Mandarin & Wuxi dialects. She says to someone that today, Feb 31st, is Chinese New Year. I hear my dad talking to her. I'm encouraged by the idea of their votes as well. My mom tried to come into the bathroom but the door is locked. I tell her in Chinese to wait.


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