Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm in bed with Sofia (who's about a year old) and another older version of her appears on the bed. I tease them, saying that with my purchase came another little girl. Tommy Lee from Motley Crue is also on the bed.


I'm with Susannah in a Chinese restaurant/market. I want to get some lunch/breakfast. I don't see anything appealing at the take-out counter and can't decide on what to get. Susannah is trying to be patient though I can see she's wanting to leave. At the counter I tell the guy (who's white) that I want noodle soup with pork balls. He tells me it's $8-something. I tell him to hold on and pick up a menu from the counter. The special side of the menu has few items and it's mostly in Chinese. I ponder over the choices, taking way too long. I look behind the counter and see fresh seafood by the pound. Behind some of the lobsters, I see strange shelled creatures sitting on shelves.

Finally, I ask another (Chinese) guy what the chef's special is. He looks slightly confused and asks me what I would like. Then he says it's something to do with cheese. A woman walks by (she looks like the owner to me) and I ask her about the special and whether there's any vegetables or meat in it besides cheese. She's busy with a tray full of freshly fried chicken which she's taking apart. I wonder to myself if I could get some of that.


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