Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

I’m tutoring a cute black teenage student. As we go over homework, I apologize for my hands being cold and rub them in between hers.


I’m on the street wielding a WWII-style machine gun, looking up at a passing train on an elevated track. On one open car, I see some soldiers and I open fire, killing one of them before realizing they’re medics. They wave at me to cease and fire and I wave back a sheepish “sorry.”

I walk past the train tracks to a large church-like building. A German soldier walks out and I take him prisoner. He tells me it’s hopeless to fight and that I’ll be outgunned. I force him to the door of the church and make him open it. His comrades inside unwittingly gun him down. A female ally and I run to the side of the building, trying to find another way in. We search but can’t seem to see any obvious entrances in the back of the building. I start climbing on some beams when I see the woman who was firing on us. I grab her from behind and open her throat with my knife. I hold her as she bleeds out. Before dying, she hands me a note to give to her father (she’s the same black girl from the earlier dream). One her note is also instructions to play certain songs at her funeral, including the theme to “The Office.” My ally and I feel bad for her, especially since she was just discovering music she liked.


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