Monday, July 21, 2003

Monday, May 12th, 2003

I'm at work at the San Francisco Chronicle offices. AJ is working near me. He tells me he has to type up a letter from some executive to our chief editor/publisher John Waters. It involves some business deal. AJ's reluctant to do it and won't say why. He tells me he also has a response letter from Waters to type up. It turns out the whole thing is a backroom deal (a merger or tax cut that will cut jobs & increase profits) cooked up by Waters.

I get very pissed off at discovering this and tell AJ he shouldn't type the letter. Lynnette and another friend are sitting in the office visiting us. I start pacing the room, frustrated and angry. I start ranting about how corporations are always trying to screw the workers. I ask AJ to give me the letter so I can go tell off Waters but he won't do it. Lynnette asks me about the letters but AJ won't let me tell her about them. I start throwing things and stomping around, talking about how everything I read in Howard Zinn's book (People's History of the United States) is true. The others in the room are taken aback by my anger.

Lynnette starts quietly telling an anecdote about Everett. He was crying and a nurse rubbed him with some baby powder and he calmed right down. I joke that it was probably laced with a narcotic. She laughs.


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