Saturday, July 12, 2003

Monday, April 28th, 2003

I'm Anthony Hopkins boarding a plane. As the crew makes preparations, I pull out a gun and force the drew to take off. I go to the body of the plane (which looks like an office lounge) and gather up the few passengers around a table. I keep an eye on them while I ask the crew where we're headed. They say we're about to pass over Hawaii. I ask them how much fuel we have. They tell me just enough to get to Vancouver. The crew and captives seem more frustrated than frightened of me. I want to tell the pilot to fly me to Chine or Siberia but don't.

Later, I demand the crew make some food. As I walk to the lounge, I realize I've lost my gun. I find it again in the cabin. I notice one of the pilots has started installing Age of Empires on his computer. I ask the crew who's doing that but nobody answers me. I tell them I am really good at this game and can teach them to play it. Alone for a moment, I begin to sob. A voice-over says that whenever I'm alone, I cry.


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