Thursday, July 10, 2003

Saturday, April, 19th, 2003

I'm watching a report about WWII told in present tense: "The Germans' morale is low from all the fighting and constant arrests of civilians.


I'm in a friend's house with lots other visitors. We're all spending the night. It's 11 pm and most of the people are going to bed. I'm dissappointed no one else wants to stay up. Tom and Lynnette are staying in a room with AJ and a few others.

I'm hitting on a beautiful naked woman and being rude. I'd just signed a marriage contract with another woman in the house. I keep trying to pull the beautiful woman into the bathroom with me but she won't go. I feel bad for being rude and come back out to apologize. I hug her and tell her I'm not usually like this. I kiss her.

Later, I'm in a school building trying to figure out where my class is.


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