Thursday, July 03, 2003

Tuesday, April 8th, 2003

I'm walking with Tony Soprano in a private driveway at night. We hear a police car pull up behind us. Thinking they're out to get him, Tony runs. I know they're not so I wait. The cruiser pulls up with a detective, Tony's son and two of his friends (one male, one female). The detective tells Tony his son is being charged with manslaughter. The son's friends are eating bananas we they listen. Tony's brother appears and takes a picture of Tony's son with a polaroid as I watch on.

Once inside the house, find out that Tony's son has killed someone I love. I start flailing at him and pressing a cane to his throat. The detective puts a weapon to me to get me to stand down. He tells me not to kill him. I say, "You're a cop, you can't just kill me." He tells me he has connections. I tell him I don't care and he can try and use them. I release Tony's son and tear through the house in a tearful rage. Tony's son is still in the hallway when I come back and I tear up a phone book all over him. He retreats to his room as I kick and throw things about in the hallway, cursing him all the while. As the things I throw impact stuff, there isn't the noise or force you'd expect.


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