Wednesday, July 02, 2003

5{pril 7th, 2003

I go next door into an abandoned building where some people are waiting to be killed. They are mostly middle-aged crime figures, including an Irish guy (who looks like Jim - formerly of the real estate office next door). There are also a few women there. I watch as Jim starts dancing by himself (as if with a ghost partner) and talking quietly about a sweetheart from his youth. Others are also engaged in acts of reminescing. I break down and start crying, partly because I don't want these people to die, partly because I don't want to die. the women in the room are surprised to see me crying. I suddenly realize that my emotion isn't fear, it's love.


I'm in a large indoor space with three large flat-panel TV screens. We're watching a chase scene where Stellan Skarsgard is being driven away. The three screens capture three parts of the action and create a panoramic viewing experience. A few minutes later, we relaize we'd been watching a car or beer commercial. A guy with a cell phone approaches us and asks if there's a payphone nearby. We direct to one outside.


A man dressed in the black & white Spiderman costume barges into a newsroom or hospital and demands to see Peter Parker. He goes around assaulting people until Peter Parker finally comes out from under a patient's bed and confronts the guy. They fight and the man jumps through an opening in the ceiling and taughts Parker from above. Parker (now me) grabs a pistol from a security guard and starts firing at him. Night turns to day and I give the gun back to the guard.


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