Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Sunday 6/9/2002:

I'm at work around 11AM, the boss comes in, makes an announcement about leaving. Everyone packs up and takes the rest of the day off. As I leave the office (a large undivided space), I see three people who've stayed behind to work. As I exit the building, I notice a subway entrance near the door (that I'd never seen before). I enter it, trying to consciously remember the route. Other people walk brsikly about. I'm near the turnstiles when we hear a train coming. We all scramble to get thru the gates and jump on the train just as it pulls off. The train is only a metal framework with no walls or windows. People are yelling for a woman to get off the top of the train and get back inside "the plane." Chris Hapka was a few rows ahead of me in the same train car. We talked about the new subway entrance (which he already knew about).

When I get back home, it's still daylight out. There's a party winding down. I'm about to go to bed. I make the rounds to make sure everyone can get home safely. A woman reporter who just finished interviewing my dad gets ready to leave. I offer to let her stay the night in one of our many spare bedrooms.

As I look out the window, I see lots of kids, older men and other people milling around. I yell for a few of the teenagers to be quiet. I tell them "dad" is asleep in the living room. I make some comment to a Junior Soprano-looking guy about all the noise.

Later, at the same place, my parents (Sharon & Ozzy Osbourne) come up to me and give me 3 clusters of chicken bones. I check each one out and ask them how much they are.


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