Monday, January 21, 2002

Very surreal dream this morning about being in a barn with a wild buffalo that talked. It seemed like he was once a man who was turned into an animal (he was wearing clothes). I walked with him to a house and saw police standing outside. I yelled for the buffalo/guy to walk on all fours and act cool. He did but the police seemed to be suspicious (the clothes, duh). I then walked in and talked to the police. They had some teenager held for questioning. I told them I saw a teenager (not this one) trying to put clothes on one of my buffalo.

hazy transition.....

I'm on a high-rise bus in a safari with a bunch of other young people. My buffalo (now undressed) was lounging around with some other buffalo on the grass. Then I saw a flatbed roll by with buffalo carcasses in the back. There was also a large piece of a lion that kept twitching as though it were still alive. It lept up to our window and had the face of a cute young blonde woman. We asked her if she felt okay and she said yes. She floated by the window as one of the gyus gives her some water. She commented that it was great to taste bottled water but complained about some smell. I leaned back on the other side of the bus and tried to find my water. There were too many similar looking glasses of water and I couldn't find it.

eesh. explain that.


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