Sunday, December 16, 2001

Had a whole string of dreams triggered by finishing "Black Hawk Down"

dreamt I was with a group of people trying to avoid capture or killing. It was like some survival game show. We were trying to get out of a building using elevators that only went to certain floors. It was confusing but I was trying to lead the way. Once we finally got out into the lobby of the building (a grand old one on a college campus), we split up and I met up with a few other contestants. We were trying to figure out the next course of action. We decided to hide out in a nearby high school. We entered, passed through security without problems and went down a dark hallway. We all wanted some quiet, safe place to rest.

We went into a classroom and tried to blend in with other students. I turned to ask the student next to me if there was a class at 9 (it was 8:20). As he turned, I recognized him as Perry Siewert (an old classmate -- the the actual face was of another high school classmate). I greeted him and we started watching movie previews that were playing in the front of the room.

The preview showed a young man in the midst of some sort of war. Cut to the kid screeching to a halt in his car at a police roadblock. Suddenly two cops are sitting on either side of him in the car (an old one from the 50s). The keep talking about how the kid's speeding and how it was to be back home in Kentucky). the kid pulls out a long rifle and points it at one of the cops, winding the gun up. Just as he's about to shoot, the kid yells cut. Cut to a classroom where a teacher is handing out grades. She's about to give the kid a grade on his film project.

Perry leans to me and says we shoudl see this film. I tell him it's not out yet. Then I ask him if he's doing anything on Monday night. he says no, let's see this film. I tell him there's another movie preview to see.


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