Saturday, July 08, 2006

I'm in an office high-rise trying to evade someone. As I run through the corridors, a husky guy runs out with a suitcase handcuffed to him. The suitcase is beeping like a bomb and I stop and help him out of the handcuffs. He returns the favor by opening one of the windows for me. I squeeze out and try to get him to come with me. He think he can't fit through it and I convince him he can. Once outside, we explore the roof ledge and try to find a way down to ground level. We see an old stairwell and I tell him that's our only way down. I tell him we should hurry since we're in front of the glass walls of the office and people might see us. He tells me to huddle into the ground and wait out the plague.

He starts explaining the plague to me, how food sources are contaminated and that many people (mostly poor and black) are being irridiated with light in stead of being fed to keep them (barely) alive. I do a little digging and begin to discover a vast conspiracy (ala V For Vendetta) where minorities and the poor are beign experimented on to become super soldiers. The experiements had gone wrong and created a strain of virus that is killing people.


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