Thursday, December 16, 2004

Thursday December 16th, 2004

I’m in a living room with a number of survivors from a catastrophe. We’re about to leave the house for the outdoors and I’m trying to figure out what to do with our remaining supplies. I suggest to the group that we assign people to carry certain items. We have salt, sugar, some food and two pistols, each with one bullet. I suggest we vote on who carries what so that we can trust the bearer not to abuse the items in question. I also suggest that we don’t make our group leader (Jack from Lost) carry everything just because we trust him.

After we assign some items, I approach Jack and suggest to him privately that we maybe fire off these two bullets and get rid of the guns as they might be a danger to the group. But as I’m suggesting it, I think better of it and realize they’ll come in handy if we need to hunt.

Later, I’m looking through the scope of a sniper rifle, trying to figure out the sights. Someone tries to tell me how to adjust the sights to aim accurately.

Outside, a young woman in our group is pointing a pistol at a child. When she pulls the trigger, the guns doesn’t fire but electronically confirms that she hit her target. She gets very excited.


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