Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Saturday, February 15th, 2003

I'm somewhere just outside New York City with Susannah, my dad, my grandmother and a few other Chinese family friends. A few of them get up to leave. One guy (who I've met once before) says to me in English, "Nice to meet you, see you again." and leaves. My grandmother gets up to leave, too. She says that all the men in the room are her sons (and god-sons). She sits down on a couch across from us and starts to dress to leave. I go over and help her put on several sweaters. I ask if anyone is escorting her home to NYC on the train. My dad says she got here on her own and can manage just fine on her own. I try to find the bag of groceries that she wanted to take with her but instead only find a few oranges. As she heads out, a family friend helps clean up. He lifts an empty box off the floor and reveals a mass of ants. I step on some of them.


I'm taking pictures with someone else's Leica camera.


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