Tuesday, February 26, 2002

late entry from 2/21:

In some spy senario, I'm trying to escape a guy who's after me. I get on an elevator that goes thru floors first through 4th, then skips to 8th. I end up on a garage level on the 8th floor trying to hide from him. I sprinkle a powdered delayed explosive all over the ground and wait for him to walk on it. He comes up but the explosives don't go off. I hide behind a pole as he comes looking for me. It's night time.

Eventually I end up at a hotel/school. I walk into the library and see the guy. He's the repairman at the school and looks like Sami Ibrahim (from WRFL). I walk up to an official looking guy who recognizes me. He says "Sorry about our reporter friend" (referring to my enemy).

I realize that the guy chasing me wasn't a secret agent, I was. But I also wonder if the reporter thing is just a front.

There was also something about dressing as a woman to escape. Lots of running and hiding...


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