Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm in Eduardo Kac's class in the Reynolds Building. He's looking over everyone's (mostl) unfinished projects. I realize I haven't even started on it. In fact, as I peruse the instruction sheet, I realize I don't even know what the project's about. As we pass around all the projects, I see some woven pieces and decide that's what I'm going to do. We break for lunch and I set off to find Arturo's class.

I head outside to look for a lunch spot. I'm looking for good takeout but instead walk into the Asian buffet distict. I stand in front of one buffet with a Singaporean or Malaysian name. There are no menus and I can't see the buffet through the window so I leave. I look at the menu of another place but it doesn't look good to me (lots of sweet & sour, cabbage and also cat on the menu). An older classmate grabs a menu and leaves, saying Hi as she passes.


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