Thursday, August 12, 2004

Thursday, August 12th, 2004

I’m looking into the backyard and see Salty scurrying up a tree. I call a friend to the window to show him this amazing feat.

Later, I’m on the sidewalk outside a house/business. A woman walks by with her dog. The dog runs into the house and I tell the woman to watch the dog because my rabbit is inside. We go in to look for the dog. The house is in the middle of renovations. I look on the floor and see lots of little brown baby bunnies. I gasp and wonder if this is why Salty’s been feeling ill. Then I notice a hole in the ground with more babies and a brown mother bunny. We continue into another room, trying to avoid stepping on the babies. We find the dog and the woman pulls it aside. I find Salty hiding in a corner. She has a few scratches on her nose and back. I yell at the woman for not watching her dog.


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