Friday, July 30, 2004

Friday, July 30th, 2004

I’m watching a show about house buying. There are images of a house surrounded by woods and fruit-bearing trees. I’m in the show and talking to a young man who lives there. He shows me how to pick off these strange apples off a tree. They resemble breadfruit and come off the tree easily. As he eats a few, I keep picking them off the tree and bringing them to him. A young couple in the room with him is also eating the fruit. The young woman holds out her hand to me for more fruit. I get a few more and also pick off some large garlic off the tree.

The young man tells me he’s pretty sick of the fruit but that he’s a picky eater in general. He tells me he has even finished the canary candy that my wife brought him. I tell him I don’t recall the candy.


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