Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Tuesday, March 16th, 2004

I’m at the store looking across the street at a newly opened bookstore. I’m on the phone with my mom and want to make a 3-way call with the owner of the bookstore. Their store is crowded with people for an opening gala or art opening. I tell my mom to hold and dial their number. A man picks up and I ask to speak to the owner. He looks around for a moment and tries to get the owner’s attention. After a while I give up and hang up.

Later, I’m sitting in my folding chair beside the counter when the bookstore owner comes in. I go behind the counter to greet him and notice that it’s very dark in the store. I look up to see that two bulbs are burned out. I grab two new bulbs out of the back but they are both broken. I try to clean up the broken glass off the counter and the owner helps me. We talk about my business.


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