Saturday, October 18, 2003

Saturday, October 18th, 2003

Susannah and I are walking around an industrial area. We lie down on a contraption and watch as some grey foam forms high above. Suddenly, I realize that it is and pull us both off. We watch as this grey foam drops and hardens against the surface on which we were just lying. I’m relieved that we’re safe. Susannah suddenly falls ill, nearly collapsing. I pick her up and run her out into the yard.

We see a mysterious woman (who may be nude) wandering around and I stop her for help. The three of us go into a building. I have a wooden katana and lead the group into some dimly lit rooms. I spy someone on the far edge of the room building something. We enter another room and I see several people who look like office workers (though I know they are the enemy).

I charge them immediately (afraid to let them have a chance to fight back) with a real sword and take well-practiced swings at them. Each slice connects but does no damage. The workers scatter and I go after them, sometimes leaping or flying into the rafters.

As I go room to room hunting them down, I see some of them tutoring kids. Knowing these kids are potential enemies, I slice them down as well (again doing no damage).


Tom and I are in a hotel restaurant trying to get a table for lunch. We’re by the door trying to get the attention of the host. He’s very dismissively telling people to back up unless they (had something for him). We keep trying to tell him we have reservations but he ignores us. The crowd near the doorway grows larger and other people seem frustrated as well.

After a while of dealing with the rude host, we finally storm out, shoving our way violently through the crowd. Another few customers follow suit.

Out on the sidewalk, it’s late at night and we’re greeting by some valets. We tell them we’re not paying and that we just had a terrible experience. The female valet smiles meekly and apologizes. Susannah (instead of Tom) and I are trying to figure a way home. I see a bus coming down the hill toward us (the streets are hilly cobblestones, like San Francisco) and quickly run to the bus stop pole to see if this bus (the 118 or 114) will take us anywhere near home. It doesn’t.

We consider a cab for a moment and I tell her we’re going to have to take the subway.


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