Thursday, August 14, 2003

Sunday, August 3rd, 2003

I’m working in the store (which is also a restaurant). I’m waiting on a young woman who’s finishing her meal and filling out her membership application. I notice she’s scribbled lots of names as additional authorized renters. I go over the names with her to make sure I can read them all. They’re all unusual names. She tells me I can clear her table of everything except the coffee she brought in from Veniero’s. I clear her table and head towards the front of the store. The store/restaurant is set up like a classroom with a series of medium-length tables. Susannah is sitting at a table in the second row. Since I’m busy cooking up some Chinese vegetables and pork, I motion for Susannah to make her rounds and see if anyone needs anything. There are lots of posters on the wall near the front of the store. I try to rearrange our small master prints so they display better.


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