Thursday, June 12, 2003

Tuesday, September 10th, 2002

Susannah and I are in an office of an older woman we know. We're on a hight floor near the World Trade Center. The planes have already hit them and people are standing on the scaffolding outside. I motion for them to get down. The people who notice me start making their way down.

There are police, military and other officials on the deck of our building. I also tell them to get down to the ground. I start to leave but the woman and Susannah are trying to nap. I make my way down some stairs, stopping on every floor to warn people. There is a large room full of people doing yoga. I tell them the WTC towers are likely to fall and may bring down our building too.

Susannah and I eventually make it to the street and try to orient ourselves to get away from the towers.


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