Thursday, June 12, 2003

Sunday, September 9th, 2002

I'm in NYC looking for The Wiz or a Circuit City to shop for electronics. I browse through one store but find their TV section closed. As I walk over to the video section, three security guards come out of nowhere and start watching me. I turn to them and shrug like "what?" All the videos are too expensive, even the no-name titles are $4.95.

I leave and take the subway dowtown. It's in the form of a fast elevator. I accidentally end up going uptown a few stops. I get off and cross the street with a cute Euro/Brazillian Mother/Daughter couple. I cross the street a couple times and watch as a female jogger runs across the street, barely avoiding traffic. I walk into a plaza where Bret "the Hitman" Hart is sprawled out at the top of a flight of stairs. I go to say hello like an acquaintance. he tells me he's tired and not feeling well and doesn't want to perform. I tell him I can relate and that I've had days like this too. he says, "It's not even like that." I say, "Well, right, nobody cares if I don't come to work. You have to, no matter what." A group of girls I know walk up the stairs and are starstruck by Bret. Bret admires them and smiles at me as if to say "Good work!" I sit by and act cool as they get his autograph.

We go with him into a huge wedding party. Some of the people I'm with are treated like guests. We head to a gigantic theater where there are doors in the screen where actors enter and exit. I gesture to Susannah and point out the enormous screen. There is a tense scene of two Russian or Czech lovers righting in the resistance. The man has been captured inside a building while the woman stands outside with a rifle. The man is being foreces into coercing his woman to surrender. He tells her in Russian or Czech that he loves her. She tells him goodbye and rushes in, gun blazing. Cut to... inside the room as it's rocked by a huge explosion. The woman playing the rebel is a first-time actress that I like.

Cut to...

the woman quits her dayjob , throwing her files into the trash and cleaning out her locker. She's aware of some company scandal.


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