Tuesday, September 04, 2001

I was running around an industrial area with 2 other guys trying to escape or get somewhere. We wandered into a factory and all put on WWI-era gas mas-like things to disguise our faces. I then stood around a table that had chemicals, saran wrap and dough. An authority figure who was looking for us walked slowly toward me. I started pretending to work. Then he came from behind me and tried to pull my mask off. I grabbed his arm and resisted, yelling that I was a white man and couldn't be treated this way (we were in some racially divided society or something). I also felt short of breath in the mask but couldn't take it off. Then the factory boss or foreman came to see what all the noise was about. He asked me where I put something and I tried to look for it. The investigator-guy was still suspicious. When the two of them started talking, I took a chance and crawled under the counter and slipped out the door.

The outside looked like an industrial area with highway overpasses & broken down heavy equipment. My two comrades were already out there. I was little agitated that they didn't wait for me. Some women ran by me and up a hill. We reached the ridge of the hill and looked into the distance. There was an army of men dressed in bright green charging up a hill. We then saw me appearing from the top of the hill firing their guns. The charging men fell back and were easily stopped. We noticed some Italian flags among them. The way they fell under the gunfire looked sor tof fake and we couldn't tell whether it was a war-game or real combat. I felt embarassed for their poor fighting. One group of the Italian soldiers yelled for another to give them more rifles. The second group did, but didn't throw them far enough. Most landed in the water.

I noticed that their uniforms had patches on them depicting Hitler. At first I thought there was a symbol of the swaztika with a slash through it. Then I realized it was a circle, emphasizing the nazi symbol.

There was also some notion that the opposing army was Japanese.


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