Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'm sleeping at home when I hear someone's voice downstairs.  I head down (in a large immaculate house) to check on Susannah.  A young man (Havad Khan) is making breakfast downstairs.  In another bedroom room, Susannah stirs as I walk in and I tell her to go back to bed.  I walk back by Havad and he tells me he's trying out the new TV.  As I walk back to my room, I turn off lights as I go and I'm irritated at him for turning on all the lights.  I walk by a sitting room and see the TV and light on in there.  I walk in to turn them off and I hear a voice say "Hi."  I look up and see Lynnette floating w/ her back to the ceiling.

(I wake w/ a start).


I'm at Sunday school learning songs when I start getting really annoyed.  I ask the girl next to me who makes the curiculum for the classes and she says she thinks it's Mrs. Kerns.  I tell her I'm not sure who that is but that I'll probably just go into the office & see.  I'm planning to drop this class & tell the teacher I came in with an open mind but I'm learning nothing but stupid songs.

The teacher (a young male teaching assistant) hands back some tests and I see that I did pretty well.


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