Thursday, November 13, 2003

Thursday, November 13th, 2003

I’m outside a hotel or mall watching as a huge march/parade is underway. It’s a spontaneous showing of resistance against the republican administration. There’s a festive atmosphere as people march, cheering and singing. I go back inside to get more film for my camera (a fancy SLR). Inside my hotel room, an older man (Chris Hapka’s dad?) gives me advice about the camera. I go out to the deck to tell Susannah I’m going back out to shoot. I head up some stairs but miss the deck where Susannah is sitting. Outside, I notice I have a large artist’s portfolio with me. I spot Tom and ask him to take it back to Susannah for me.

As I shoot, I notice that when I use the flash, the image in the viewfinder becomes very high contrast.

I get very caught up in the energy of the spontaneous march and feel elated that liberals are finally showing some strength.


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